Species Specific Surveys Image

Species Specific Surveys

Where an initial site assessment identifies the potential for specific species to be present surveys tailored to suit that species may be required. This may include for amphibians, badgers and other mammals, crayfish and reptiles. 

The surveys are often restricted to the optimal time of year for that species and take many forms, from physical site surveys to eDNA sampling and analysis. In line with current guidance, protected species surveys are required prior to determination of a planning application and will advise the requirement for a mitigation licence from Natural England. It is imperative the requirement for protected species is considered early in the development design process to avoid lengthy delays while surveys are completed.

Our surveyors have over 20 years experience carrying out protected species surveys and are licenced to carry out surveys for barn owls, bats, great crested newts, hazel dormice and white clawed crayfish. We also hold seasonal licences from Natural England allowing low impact works on some species.
