Bat Surveys Image

Bat Surveys

Bat surveys take a range of forms from initial Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA), carried out to assess the potential of a site (including all structures and trees) to support bats, to activity surveys, carried out at specific times of year to accurately identify the bat activity at that time.

PRA can be carried out at any time of year whereas activity surveys are restricted to specific seasons, the main summer survey season extends from May to August. Hibernation surveys take place between December and February.

Tree surveys can be complex and may require surveys throughout the year using different techniques, from aerial assessments to activity surveys. Ground level PRA of trees should ideally be carried out during the winter when there is no foliage present.

Switch Ecology have over 20 years experience carrying out bat surveys and our surveyors are licenced to carry out surveys throughout the UK and qualified in tree climbing, allowing aerial assessments to be carried out. We also have a wide range of Night Vision Aids (NVA) and other equipment to ensure that our activity surveys are able to fully assess the bats present on site and how bats utilise the surrounding area.
