Aerial Bat Surveys Image

Aerial Bat Surveys

Aerial bat surveys allow qualified tree climbers to accurately assess the features present within a tree for their potential to support roosting bats. Following an initial ground assessment of the tree the aerial survey will inspect the features using a torch and endoscope to identify the presence or absence of bats.

Aerial bats surveys can be carried out at any time of year, depending on the information required, although the initial ground assessment is optimally carried out during the winter when there is no foliage present to potentially obscure features. It is advisable to carry out several aerial surveys throughout the year due to the transitional nature of tree roosts.

Our surveyors are qualified climbers with years of experience and are equipped with a LOLER inspected climbing equipment. We are also equipped with additional access and inspection equipment allowing accurate inspections of a variety of features to be carried out.

Due to the safety concerns relating to aerial surveys a second climber is required on site at all times for safety reasons.
