Forest Lodge Image

Forest Lodge

Woodworm was identified as being present in the timbers within Forest Lodge. During the woodworm survey bats were identified as being present in the roof void of the building.

A Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) of the building was carried out identifying bats droppings and a single brown long eared bat (Plecotus auritus) within the roof void. Droppings were subsequently sent to SureScreen Scientifics for analysis, also confirming the presence of a brown long eared bat roost in the building.

Due to the time of year the PRA was carried out, which was just outside the peak survey season, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) were contacted to discuss the options regarding licencing the proposed woodworm treatment and a licence application was subsequently submitted.

Upon receipt of the NRW licence the works were carried out in line with the licence method statement with a single brown long eared bat moved to a bat box erected on a tree on site during the works.

Following the works a single monitoring survey was carried out during the peak survey season of 2023. No brown long eared bats were present in the building at the time of the monitoring survey although a single soprano pipistrelle was identified emerging from the eaves of the building. The monitoring survey results were prepared into a report and submitted to NRW alongside the report for the licence.
