2 Southway, Ilkley Image

2 Southway, Ilkley

Bats were identified roosting in several locations around 2 Southway in Ilkley during bat surveys carried out by a local consultancy. The roosts were identified to comprise day roosts supporting individual pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus sp).

Switch Ecology supported the local consultancy in completing the project by preparing a Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL) for the site, outlining the working methods to be adopted during the development and the mitigation and compensation to be provided to ensure that the works did not have an impact on the bats present on site or the Favourable Conservation Status of bats in the surrounding area.

On receipt of the BMCL site registration Switch Ecology erected bat boxes in suitable locations on trees on site and provided a site briefing to the contractors carrying out the development.

Switch Ecology worked with the contractor to identify dates when on site were were required and carried out the supervision of works to strip of roof tiles and hanging tiles from the building. The bats encountered during the strip, which included a single individual pipistrelle bat, were immediately moved to the bat boxes erected on site, in line with the requirements under the licence.
