Ecological consultants offering a range of ecological services.

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Switch Equine

"I was very pleased with the quality, speed and cost-effective nature of your service. I like working with enthusiastic and personable people which I personally would attribute to you and your team. From initial contact to completion of our survey, the Switch team's experience, pragmatic approach and sharing of recommendations made us feel comfortable with our ecology needs and requirements throughout our project."

"I would highly recommend Switch Ecology to support your needs."

John Childs

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Switch Equine

What We Do

Switch Ecology is a small independent ecological consultancy that provides expert services, predominantly throughout North Wales, Northern England and the Midlands. Our services include Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA) and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) calculations, bat, badger and other protected species surveys and species licencing. Get in touch to discuss your ecological requirements.

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07497 337 716


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More about Switch Ecology

Switch Ecology is a small independent consultancy run by Steven Whitcher. For over 20 years Steven has worked in the ecological sector and has spent time furthering his knowledge of all areas of the field. Switch Ecology provides Steven with a platform to continue sharing his knowledge and support our quintessential native species.

Switch Ecology

Qualifications & Experience

  • Registered Practice with CIEEM
  • Survey licences including barn owls, bats, crayfish, great crested newts and hazel dormice
  • Registered Consultant under Natural England’s Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL), all counties
  • Qualified in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue
  • CSCS